Erika Lewis, Productivity Manager
Erika is a Senior at Horizon High School. She has 4 siblings, 2 pets, and loves playing video games. More often than not you will find her inside either reading a book or attempting to write novels. She loves drawing and especially loves drawing her characters she has for books. Her favorite video games consist of Paper Mario, Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney and Lego Star Wars. She loves watching Star Wars and recently Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 1987 version ofc). She doesn’t talk to people she doesn’t know often but it seems she never shuts up when talking to friends. It is dangerous to leave her in the kitchen alone as she might blow up the house. She can always be found watching Star Wars and could talk about it for hours if she had the chance. She also loves collecting Star Wars stuff and setting it up around her room. Basically Star Wars has taken over her life.