I never minded school traffic and the lack of parking space back in elementary or middle school because I was never the driver, but now I understand the anger and frustration. You would think that in a high school, there would be multiple entrances and exits including a large space for students to park since there are more students than staff. Yeah, no, that’s not the case here at Horizon. We only have 2 exits and 3 entrances at the school which is not enough. I decided to ask a fellow senior a few questions about the parking lot situation.
The Profile: What’s your opinion on the amount of parking spaces students have?
Senior Ryan Katz- “Not enough, most kids spend time looking for a spot to park during class because they are late.”
The Profile: Do you think the school should add more exits and entrances? Why or why not?
Senior Ryan Katz- “Yes, because kids have work and things to do after school and can’t spend 30 minutes getting out of the parking lot.”
The Profile: Who should have more parking spaces? Teachers or Students?
Senior Ryan Katz- “The student-to-teacher in each class is 1-30. So there needs to be way more student spots.”
What are your thoughts about the parking lot? I think we need to have a major upgrade to the student parking lot because there are way more students than staff. Many students have these frustrations with the parking lot situation because it benefits the staff more than the students.