Pick of the Litter


Haylee Emanuel

Many see black cats as the ones to bring bad luck, and curse the family for life. Others see them as being the moral support of a teenage witch. But that isn’t the case for everyone.

Karen Valentine, grandmother of Emma Valentine (junior), owns a six year old black cat by the name of Sammie. Sammie is known to be a patient cat, and is able to catch anything that grabs his attention.

“[One day,] I was doing something near him, but he was asleep. Pretty soon I heard purring. I said, ‘Hi Sammie,’ and he made his little purring noise,” Valentine says.

In the article “Why Don’t People Adopt Black Pets?” written by Zachary Crockett, it states, “Similar myths were propagated in America, based on the religious ideals of Pilgrims. Black cats were deemed evil — so much so that anyone caught with one would be severely punished, or killed, under suspect of being a witch.”

Many Americans nowadays still believe the rumors to be true, despite them being a myth. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that (generally around Halloween) animal shelters often question those asking for a black furred animal– afraid of them using the animal for sacrifice.

Owning an animal that has a different colored fur doesn’t mean they’re going to grow horns and kill you in your sleep. They are animals that would love you until the end of the world– and, on the brighter side of things, their fur is much harder to see on clothing!