( Horizon Yearbook )
September 11th, the kick off of Horizon’s 2024 homecoming week. As per tradition, the teams of our first powderpuff game are our Junior girls vs. Senior girls. With a packed home side, each grade representing class colors the powderpuff game had begun. With high stakes and higher energy. School spirit filling the stadium from face paint, to jerseys, and color coded outfits for each side of the field. Juniors dressed in white sitting across from the seniors dressed in black. As powderpuff games go, our Junior and Senior Boy’s Pom’s came dressed for the occasion sporting the same enthusiastic energy as the crowd and players.
The game began with a rough start for the Seniors, giving the 26’ graduating class an advantage. With continuous misses from the Seniors, the Juniors kept of their competitive attitude. The score until around halftime was 7 points up for Juniors, and the 25’ graduating Seniors falling behind with 0 points. Past games have ended with Seniors taking victory over the Juniors, this year’s powderpuff presented a break in the Seniors streak. As the game slowly intensified after half-time, trucks and semi’s passing along I-25 shared the same thrill our student stands held. Passing vehicles sent cheers via truck horns and carry the games energy.
As the game progressed, Seniors still lagging behind, a reality of senior seemed to set in for ourselves and friends. This would be one of our last football games in our high school career. While it was thrilling there was a sense of bittersweetness in the evening air. The end of our highschool career would be faster than we expect. I was grateful to be spending the rest of my senior year with such great people, as well as spend the game with them.
The game came to an end with Seniors taking a hard loss, a new potential streak of victory for Juniors. All in all our first powderpuff of the year was a great start to the school year.