2024 is finally the year that I’m finally having my Sweet 16. Am I excited? Yes. Am I nervous? Also yes. This age seems a little too serious. At this age we start getting a little more freedom as we are able to drive ourselves places now.
The date that I hit the age 16 is May 6th, however I will not get my license until July 20th. That’s okay though, because I will not have nearly enough hours by May 6th if I were to get it on that day.
Some people may want to throw a huge party because turning 16 is such a serious thing for some people. However for me, I just want a small get together with a couple of my closest friends. I’m not into huge parties, some may think I am crazy for that but it’s only because I don’t like the attention. Especially when it comes to that many people singing “Happy Birthday” to you. Everyone is staring at you and having nowhere to look but down into your lap. I’m sticking with just a couple of people.
It’s going to be nice to be able to finally turn 16 and drive. It is working out perfectly because I am starting to work this summer, and I’m having to travel a lot this year for volleyball and also just some vacations. It takes the stress off of me as well as my parents so they do not have to worry about driving me everywhere and taking up their time. Also, I will be able to drive around my friends and hangout with them more often. A lot of people I know are getting their license this summer, meaning we can get together more often.
Counting down 105 days until I finally turn 16
Counting down 180 days until I get my license