The Final Football Game: Conversations with Varsity Seniors

Savannah Birch

(Last Game,Photo taken by Savannah Birch)

As in my second year as a Horizon Hawk, I love watching the Seniors each year grow up into adults. I think it’s very heart-warming to watch Seniors play out the last seasons of their high school experience. For the last Varsity football game of the 2022 season against Prairie View High School Thunderhawks, I interviewed some of the seniors to get quotes on what they’ve experienced. 


“How do you think overall this season went?”

Varsity Senior Defensive End Xander Katz says “I think the season was definitely full of both positives and negatives but there are definitely things to build off of.” 


Varsity Senior Linebacker Isaac Medina-Vigil says “Overall, I thought this year was a tough year. But I believe it was a great year to learn from and set a foundation for the football program.”

Varsity Senior Offensive Linebacker Elias Jiron says “I think this season could have gone a lot better with the amount of close games we had but for a new head coach I think it went okay for the most part.”


Varsity Senior Middle Linebacker Peyton Kramer says “How I think the overall season went wasn’t what us (the seniors) thought but I think it’s good it went like that because we fought through, we played our hardest with each other and never gave up.” 


Varsity Senior Defensive End Chase Greene says “The season didn’t go how we wanted but I did have a lot of fun with the guys.”


Varsity Senior Wide Receiver Xavier Stanley says “If you gauge how well our season went based on our record, our season didn’t go that well. I think we could have had a lot more wins on our record, but in my eyes, this was my favorite season of football. I have had the most fun, and made the most memories. I definitely won’t forget this season and know I will be able to tell my kids about every single game and everyone I played with years in the future.”


Varsity Senior Tight End Jace Garner says “I think the season didn’t go as planned but we played to the best of our ability. I wish we would’ve come out with a better record to end the season.”


“How do you feel about this being your last high school football game?”

Varsity Senior Defensive End Xander Katz says “I feel like my last game should be my best but I just want to go out there and have fun with my team and hopefully come away with a win.”


Varsity Senior Linebacker Isaac Medina-Vigil says “I feel shocked… I’ve been playing this game my whole life. So for this to be called my “last high school football game”, still hasn’t sat right with me or set in.”


Varsity Senior Offensive Linebacker Elias Jiron says “This being my last high school game is a bittersweet moment as I’m happy I had the opportunity to play the game I love but I’m sad I’ll never be able to touch the field again.”


Varsity Senior Middle Linebacker Peyton Kramer says “This isn’t my last game I already played my last game due to injury I had in practice so it feels very sad that I can’t ever go back and look when I played my last game because I didn’t know when my last game was going to be.” 


Varsity Senior Defensive End Chase Greene says “It’s bittersweet. Yeah it sucks that this is it, but at the same it’s the start of a new chapter in my life.”


Varsity Senior Wide Receiver Xavier Stanley says “I’m excited. I know I will never play football ever again and I have accepted it. I have had so many great times playing football in high school and would do anything to redo these 4 years. Although I love football, I am excited about what’s next. Everything comes to an end, whether it’s tonight or after 4 years of football in college, it comes to an end. And I am going to have to find another source of joy in my life and I’m excited about it.”


Varsity Senior Tight End Jace Garner says “I can’t believe it is my last high school game of my career, I hope we can go out with a win. Either way I couldn’t have asked for a better group of brothers to do this with.” 


“What advice would you give to upcoming seniors?” 

Varsity Senior Defensive End Xander Katz says “Cherish every moment because you don’t get them back. Play your hardest and try to leave a legacy for underclassmen to follow.”


Varsity Senior Linebacker Isaac Medina-Vigil says “I would tell them to keep GRINDING and live in the moment. Because you never know when it will be your last. I would tell them to play for the brothers beside you.” 


Varsity Senior Offensive Linebacker Elias Jiron says “To the upcoming seniors I want them to take advantage of every moment and get close with all your teammates they act as another family to you.”


Varsity Senior Middle Linebacker Peyton Kramer says “What advice I would give to upcoming seniors is push everyone to the best they can on and off the field, do everything like it’s your last because you never know when it can be your last.”


Varsity Senior Defensive End Chase Greene says “The only advice I’ll give is that upcoming seniors should play every game like it’s their last. Don’t take anything for granted and just have fun with it.”


Varsity Senior Wide Receiver Xavier Stanley says “As cheesy as it sounds, I’d tell them to enjoy every minute of it. I can’t fathom that I am about to be playing my last football game ever when it feels like yesterday I was meeting coach Nelson for the first time as a freshman. 10 weeks is such a short period of time and it definitely feels short when you’re sitting at the end of those 10 weeks. Just enjoy every aspect of your last season, the time you get to spend with friends, and the lifelong memories you are going to be making with them.” 


Varsity Senior Tight End Jace Garner says “Play every game and every minute like it’s your last. The time flies by and before you know it, it might be the last game of your life.” 


“What is your favorite memory from your high school football experience?”

Varsity Senior Defensive End Xander Katz says “There’s a bunch that come to mind like team dinners or getting my first varsity jersey but I’d say my favorite memory came this year getting my first ever touchdown on a pick six!” 


Varsity Senior Linebacker Isaac Medina-Vigil says “It had to be the team dinners! But also the bond I’ve built with these guys that last through high school. The brotherhood!”


Varsity Senior Offensive Linebacker Elias Jiron says “My favorite high school football memory was the ice game we had my sophomore season against Arapahoe where the field was completely frozen over!” 


Varsity Senior Middle Linebacker Peyton Kramer says “My favorite football high school moment is last year our last game with the seniors and last game of the season we played against Fairview and they had to beat us to go in the playoffs and we beat them, it was the best feeling in the world!” 


Varsity Senior Defensive End Chase Greene says “My favorite memory is probably my first varsity game. Just being in that environment in the stadium really made me nervous in a good way!”


Varsity Senior Wide Receiver Xavier Stanley says “My favorite high school football memory is the final game of our season last year. It was against Fairview, we had been having a bad season, and it had been 4+ years since varsity had beaten Fairview. The game came down to the last few seconds and we were able to win by a touchdown. I think that was my most memorable moment because we were able to send the seniors off with, in my eyes, the most meaningful win in one of the most important games of that season. It was just nice to see them smiling and jumping in excitement at the end of their senior year, minutes before it all came to an end!” 


Varsity Senior Tight End Jace Garner says “I think my favorite high school football memory would have to be burying the ball with the group of seniors!”


I want to add a special message to all the seniors on the football team. I want to thank them for being role models and amazing people in my life and on the field. They all have a special place in my heart as an older brother to me!