Monthly Horoscope – September 2019

Monthly Horoscope - September 2019

Nyana Suarez

Virgo: This is your month! Your birthday is just around the corner and it’s time to finally have some fun. This month your relationships might have seemed to run dry, but try your hardest to appreciate and value the close relationships you have. On the full moon Neptune will move into your partnership axis, so expect stronger relationships sometime soon.


Libra: This month has been a hard month for you, try your hardest to remember to be gentle on yourself because you’re doing the best you can. This month you might of felt like you’ve been drowning. September 14th you might feel as if your leaving something behind, so pay close attention to the things that are important to you. These past couple of months you’ve felt like everyone else but yourself but remember change can be a good thing.


Scorpio: You’ve been feeling awfully defeated lately. After the 14th, it might only get worse but shortly after you’ll be able to really spend some time healing and focusing on your mental health and social health as well.


Sagittarius: It might seem like your mental health is slowly deteriorating this month but trust me, it will all be worth it. Soon enough everything will start to fall into place. Your hard work will be rewarded towards the end of the month when you finally start to see the results of your work.


Capricorn: This month it’s time to reach for some new things. Try your hardest to remember someone is looking out for you this month, even if you feel like everyone’s against you. September 28 will be one of your last days to branch out, so remember to stay on top of your work.


Aquarius: September 14th, Mars will move into your financial sector so you won’t have problems with money this month. While this month you’ve been absorbing lots of new information,your job now is to continue learning and listening into some things that have gained your interest in the past couple months.


Pisces: This month you’ve felt powerless, but by the 19th your mood will have surely lifted. This month you need to keep a close eye on the ones closest to you because you’ve felt a sense of betrayal with the ones you love.


Aries: This month you’ve had some struggle with being alone, try to branch out and use the next couple weeks to grow within yourself. On September 14th, Mercury and Venus both move into your relationship sector, so expect new and stronger relationships soon!


Taurus: This month has been somewhat upsetting for you. You’re dealing with separation issues but you’re probably making it bigger than it actually is. Remember to try your best to maintain balance within your life.


Gemini: It’s been a fantastic month for you! You’ve come so far with your aspirations this month and this is a reminder to keep going. Remember to stay in close contact with your loved ones this month but be careful. Neptune moves to the top of your chart the same night as the full moon which could create some tension.


Cancer: Mercury is moving through your message sector this month so you should have no problems with communication. On the 14th of the month you might feel extremely sensitive. Expect the full moon to cut open old wounds, but don’t let that get you down though, good things will come close after.


Leo: This month you definitely feel like you’re losing money. No worries, it’s time you spoil yourself. On September 28th your romance sector lights up and you will not be disappointed by your partner.