Jump Shots for January

College basketball and going pro

Marley Franklin

It’s that time of year when college basketball is the hype of the season; brackets, drafts, and recruiters are on everyone’s mind

  The National Collegiate Athletic Association, also known as NCAA, puts pressure on players and schools as they compete for the National Championship. Certain schools are known for their constant presence in the finals. Depending on what schools people play for, there can be benefits that increase their chances of getting drafted into the NBA.

The players’ skills this year will determine their basketball future. 2.9 percent of NCAA players make it to the NBA, so drafting is very competitive. Pressure comes from coaches, teammates, classmates, and recruiters. The process of drafts, though, sparks hope of living the basketball-dream,  and turning passion into career.

 College basketball started in 1912, followed by the beginning of the NBA in 1946. This created an opportunity for the best of the best to play against each other. College basketball was no longer an extracurricular, but became a potential career.  

 Teams are separated based on area, grouping colleges over the nation into divisions. A series of competitions are set in place. As these groups get narrowed down the famous “Sweet Sixteen”  (the last sixteen teams) and “Final Four” take place.

 Rival schools with young, enthusiastic fans, call for memorable seasons. Many compete with brackets during the college basketball season. These brackets show the divisions that the colleges are divided into. It’s a map that follows which teams play each other, and continues through each competition.

 The anticipation of recruiters and drafting can be stressful, because it determines if you make it pro– but the endgame influences the passion for basketball. On top of doing what they love, NBA players are also able to star in sports drink commercials, car commercials, and other ads.

 We have yet to come upon March Madness, where the most important games take place. March Madness defines college basketball on another level of competitiveness. These games determine whether athletes are able to follow their passion.

This year, watch the teams as they continue to play on the court,– and if not, at least listen in on the radio to support these college teams.