Finding Gratitude


America Martinez

Autumn Sorrentino and America Martinez

Dear Bonnie,

My family is having turkey again for Thanksgiving this year. It’s one of my favorite foods; I prefer it over the Christmas ham. Each year, before we eat, my family goes around the table to share what they are thankful for. Usually, I say something obvious like macaroni and cheese, or Bob Ross and his paintings. Isn’t there something deeper for me to be appreciative of? Something more substantial? I want to surprise my family this year with what I have to share. I’d really appreciate your advice.

Thankful for you always,

Dear Clyde,

What a fitting time of year to talk about such an important topic! You might be surprised at how much we truly have to be thankful for–but it doesn’t have to be for just Thanksgiving. Gratitude is something society should focus on so much more than it does; this time of year is simply an excuse to start.

So, you’re looking for something more substantial? Just look at everything that’s happened in the past twelve months! As humans, we grow so much more than we give ourselves credit for– and if you don’t believe me, just take a look at an eighth grader versus a freshman. Each year, we gain new experiences, learn new lessons, and delve deeper into ourselves. Relish that, and find what you’ve discovered this year. If you can’t think of any, try looking back on photos from this time of year in 2017. It might help you remember where you were in life when you were a year younger, get you in the right state of mind. Think of what’s made the biggest impact on you this year, or what’s helped shape your life in a different direction than it’s been going.
Whatever that may be, it’s a beautiful thing to be grateful for.

If that’s a bit too deep (self-reflection truly is an art), then there’s always the option to look around rather than inside. We take so many things for granted every single day. Having fresh water, being able to go to school, having the freedom to practice the religion we want to– these are luxuries that billions of people are denied. Take a quick glance around whatever room you may be in, and remember that what you have isn’t guaranteed to everyone. Be it plumbing, a home, a family— these are things you are lucky to have. We don’t think about these daily occurrences often… but maybe we should.

There is so much to be appreciative of if we only take the time to notice. So, this year, notice it! Be different, and remember your gifts; I promise you’ll end up feeling more fulfilled afterwards.

Yours always, and thankful to have you,