Time to Get the Z’s

Holly Rivera, Editorial Section Editior

Anyone else out there feel super drained, with nearly seven months of what feels like an endless year to go? Wondering what can you do about this feeling? Well, something that we should be reminded of is the importance of sleep.

Although it is important to study for that test the night before or hang out with friends, it is equally important to go to bed at a decent time. We tend to say that a cup of coffee or two will be able to keep oneself, awake at least until the end of the day. Obviously, we’ve become too reliant on that addictive drug of caffeine and seem to forget that a good night of sleep is the best solution for any sleep deprived teenager.

Some have found pulling all nighters to be a temporary solution to sleep deprivation, However, in order to get that to-do list finished without sleep itself, there comes fatal consequences, some that can carry on for the rest of our lives.

Horizon psychology teacher, Mrs. Walters says, “When you don’t have a good sleep cycle as a child, even as young as a toddler, it will affect the rest of your life. From eating habits to concentrating in day to day activities.”

Although we can’t fix what’s happened in the past, we are still young enough to fix those bad habits for our older wiser selves.

According to Walters, having good sleep habits means, “Don’t have your cellphone in your room, consider sleeping in a colder environment, and make sure to clear your mind before heading to sleep.”

As technology has become such a key aspect of our lives, the screen light confuses our brain, making teenagers stay awake longer. This denies us from getting those 8-10 hours of sleep, which is necessary for a growing teen.

However, if this isn’t compelling enough, Mrs. Walters was telling a story about a football player, “In the 1950s, there was a young man. However, one day he decided to stay up for three days straight. He ended up not knowing where he was or what [football] game he was playing in. Yet, the incredible affect was this young man’s body was showing signs of having a heart attack on top of having high blood-pressure. Everybody around him thought he was going crazy because nobody understand the consequences of lack of sleep.”

After all of this evidence, we are lucky enough to have this information and knowledge presented to us. In order for us to not be considered a mental patient, everyone should just simply go to sleep instead of staying up late. Even though we may want to stay awake and binge watch the next season of our Netflix show, always remember that Netflix will still be there tomorrow and that cozy bed of yours will still be waiting there all day for your presence.

We only live once so we might as well care for our sleep schedule, because it won’t hurt to sleep.