Have you ever wondered why we can’t see the night sky clearly but other places in the world can? It’s because we as a country have the most light pollution.
Light pollution is human-made unwanted lighting in the sky. Causing a disruption to the natural patterns of wildlife, and increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Leading to us not being able to see the stars in the night sky. Light pollution is caused by building lights, commercial properties, offices, factories, streetlights, and illuminating sporting venues. That’s why you can’t see the sky clearly when you’re in the city. The components of light pollution are glare, sky glow, light trespass, and clutter. This issue negatively affects the world we live in.
Did you know that 80% of the world’s population lives under sky glow? Sky glow is the increase in the apparent brightness of the sky. The whole world is affected by the pollution but there are a few places in the world that have the least amount of light pollution. Allowing the eyes to see the night sky and its beautiful stars. Places such as Ireland, Norway, Australia, Africa, Greece, and Canada, have the least amount of light pollution. The night sky is very beautiful with the stars being very visible to the human eye. In the United States, Utah and Texas have the least amount of light pollution as well. Not as much as Norway but the sky is still visible with stars.
Unfortunately, there are places in the world that have a tremendous amount of light pollution. Especially the United States, even in Colorado where light pollution is very serious. In the US and Europe, 99% of the public can’t see natural lighting. The United States, Russia, Singapore, and the District of Columbia, have the worst light pollution. Though, in some places around the world even with bad light pollution, you can see the sky more clearly. If you go to darker areas with no city lights then the sky will be brighter with the stars.
All over the world, there are places with the least or worst amount of light pollution. This issue is a global issue that needs to be solved. For us as humans, we need to find ways to prevent the amount of artificial light we are allowing into our atmosphere. Stop wasting energy. If the light isn’t needed, then turn it off because all that is happening is the light is going into our environment and destroying it. Humans are not the only ones who are affected by the light pollution, wildlife is affected as well.
Light pollution is a serious issue all over the world. We are the main problem of pollution, so we need to fix this. Find more safe and responsible ways to use energy and stop wasting it.