It seems like today’s fashion is such a big deal in society, while there are many fashion ideas that get spread around from person to person in this American society, fashion spanning from different countries, religions, cities, and generations. Fashion today is something so universal that you can’t go one day outside without seeing somebody wearing some language of fashion. Some of the reasons why somebody would want to represent a fashionable piece of clothing are that they would want to show they’re wealthy, professional, cool, or they might just want to feel better about themselves. But in my opinion, when someone wears a fashionable piece of clothing that resonates with them, they have more of a connection to their surroundings, and that can change how some may perceive emotion. Like if I were to be walking down the street in green pants and a purple shirt that I thought was cool. I might get a dirty look or two, but that alone will teach you how to shrug off bad energy in your life.
I think that people who are in the position of a rockstar take advantage of the massive ego that they are able to dwell in from being successful and alive within their music, usually using fashion to reflect what is going on in their minds.Around the 1960s, when hippies were still a big thing, there were many individuals that chose to wear stuff that they liked, as in something like blue jeans and patterned shirts, tie-dyes and short shorts, sometimes only rags; the list goes on indefinitely. The people at the time just truly did not care about how they were represented; they didn’t care because they did not put themselves around people that they did not like, especially people who had been wearing the same suit and tie for years and liked to criticize wealth.
Some Rock Stars were definitely inspired by the hippie movement and wanted to switch up style. Maybe something that was different or “out there,” and they would Maybe put on a weird shirt that said something controversial or pants that “People” Don’t necessarily like anymore just to get a kick out of it and see their reaction. But most rockstars at the time were also attempting to dress professionally; they also wanted to look cool, so they started wearing other stuff that isn’t necessarily professional but 100% fits as a musician.
Musicians around the 60s to mid-to-late 70s were, in my opinion, the start of the true rockstar fashion wave. It was very subtle and only something that musicians can share between each other because of the very different styles of fashion worn by people who are in the position of control over the audience and someone who is able to spread a message to people who will listen, a showman. Some artists actually take advantage of the Effect they have in their music, talking to the audience about stuff they see that they have to deal with and making it known that there are problems that you have to deal with. Most of the people at the time were probably all struggling with different corruption in their lives and stating quotes that are philosophically influenced that hint to solutions for problems that most face.