Senior night was a success! October 12th was our Horizon Hawks Girls Volleyball senior night against Boulder. Sweeping them 3-0, first set ending in 25-14, second 25-13, and third 25-11. Making their record 14-2 and making them rank 15th in the Colorado 5A Division! Good luck to our Varsity team who are going to regionals in 3 weeks.
Emerson Strain
Alex Guzman
Natali Saldana-Baldwin
Marley Hermanson
Benecia Milizanno
Ella LaMura
Karris Oller
Sam Siedlecki
Masi Cervantes
Maiya Swanson
Huge success from Karris Oller (#3) with reaching over 500 kills on October 12th and Emersen Strain (#5) moving onto D1 for Creighton located in Nebraska
We will miss these 10 girls more than anyone could ever imagine. As they step off into the real world, give some recognition for everything that they have accomplished and given to the volleyball program here at Horizon. They have impacted our younger players who have still have continuing years to go and given someone for them to look up to and learn off of. These girls have been playing volleyball for a majority of their lives and have experienced the ups and downs this sport has to offer, but the bonds you create throughout your career are priceless. The feeling of winning or losing, the shock when you make an amazing play, or the shock when you just made the worst play of your entire life, they have been through it all. Great job to these girls for giving this sport their life, time, and commitment. We wish you the best of luck!