New School Calendar
Coming into the 2023-2024 school year, students and staff of the Adams 12 School District were introduced with a new schedule and calendar like never before. This year, early release Wednesdays are out, full days are in, and students are looking forward to their monthly breaks. This was a shock to some, as these days were vital to some students and staff to get through the long week. Although, with short days no longer a part of our week, the calendar now has implemented week-long breaks almost every month, and sporadic days off throughout the year. The school days are also shortened, with students ending at 3:10 pm. There were many questions, concerns, and opinions surrounding this drastic change, and after speaking with students and staff around the school, here are some of their thoughts.
The Profile: How are you liking the new calendar and bell schedules?
Josh Torres (Senior): “I think it’s pretty good! The days are going by a lot faster, but it does suck not having Wednesdays.”
Bella Perez (Freshman): “It’s alright. I like it. I haven’t had any problems with it so far.”
Helen S. (Campus Security Officer): “I really do like it.”
Ms. Van Roekel (Spanish Teacher): “I am not loving it yet, but I am hopeful that come October break, and all the other breaks, I am really going to like it. Those will be great!”
Cameran Anderson (Senior): “I don’t like it at all. I would rather have Wednesdays shorter because that was awesome, especially during the athletic seasons and being able to go home first and have a break.”
Mr. Turano (Spanish Teacher): “For the moment, I like it, but I know there are some things that we haven’t experienced yet, so I am reserving judgment. But overall, I think it’s okay.”
The Profile: What’s your opinion on not having early Wednesdays?
Josh Torres (Senior): “It sucks. I wish I could have those afternoons off.”
Bella Perez (Freshman): “I don’t like it, but either way I would have to stay here because I have sports after.”
Helen S. (Campus Security Officer): “Well because we have so many weeks off during the school year, I believe it will balance out. Although, it is a little weird not having it off and going home early. But there is a trade off, you get a week off every month, except for two months this school year.”
Ms. Van Roekel (Spanish Teacher): “I didn’t really love the short Wednesdays before, so I guess I am okay with having Wednesdays be full days.”
Cameron Anderson(Senior): “It’s just not fun, and I would rather be home, like I would be leaving everyday at 1:00 pm, and it was nice having the afternoons off.”
Mr. Turano (Spanish Teacher): “I actually like that a lot! So far, it has worked out okay. Again, I am holding total judgment until we experience meetings after school.”
The Profile: Student athletes, what is it like having weeks off for school, but still having to come back for sports?
Bella Perez (Freshman): “I don’t mind it because I like my sport.”
Cameron Anderson (Senior): “I think it’s awful, I already had to do it for Spring break, but it’s not the worst in the world because I would only be there for two hours, but I wish I could just have it fully off.”
Brody Meyres (Freshman): “Honestly, I like my sport so it’s not bad.”
The Profile: What are your plans for the first Fall Break we have?
Josh Torres (Senior): “Probably just a lot of work.”
Bella Perez (Freshman): “I will probably just hang out and spend time with friends.”
Helen S. (Campus Security Officer): “I will probably go visit my son in Santa Monica, California.”
Ms. Van Roekel (Spanish Teacher): “We are going to the beach, my family and I already have a beach house booked in Florida. I am really excited about that.”
Cameron Anderson (Senior): “Right now, I don’t really have any, but I know I’ll make the most of it.”
Mr. Turano (Spanish Teacher): “I have no idea, but I think I am going to go out of state somewhere. Or experience the outdoors, like the mountains.”
The Profile: Do you prefer the old school calendar and bell schedules or this one?
Josh Torres (Senior): “I prefer the old school calendar because I miss Wednesdays.”
Bella Perez (Freshman): “So far, I am liking the new one.”
Helen S. (Campus Security Officer): “Well I have to go through the new one first to make an educated decision, but I am very happy with it.”
Ms. Van Roekel (Spanish Teacher): “I am hoping I’ll prefer the new calendar, but I don’t love having to cram-in all the teacher meetings we have into the work day. It’s confusing to me and hard figuring out where I have to be all the time. But I am hoping I will get used to it, or we could adjust it so it will work better.”
Cameron Anderson (Senior): “Definitely the old calendar and schedule. I wish they would just bring that back, it was a lot better and a lot more practical.”
Mr. Turano (Spanish Teacher): “Right now, I am willing to give the new one a chance. It’s not bad, but I wasn’t in love with the old schedule. Wednesdays held a lot of goods and bads, and caused some problems that weren’t necessary.”
Starting off the 2023-2024 school year there are many different opinions. Some positive, some negative, but this is our reality now and students and staff are handling the new schedules well. Seeing how this year will play out, we will get the opportunity to see if more people love or hate this drastic change.
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