Sweet Summer Treats

May 22, 2023
A sweet and refreshing treat to share this summer
With summer just right around the corner, I think that it is a good idea to always be prepared for any last minute party or pool day with friends and family. Keep reading if you want to learn some of the most quick, easy, and delicious ways to spice up any summer day, and to be sure to impress your friends and families. We will be looking at 4 sweet treats that you can easily make throughout this upcoming summer.
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Although incredibly simple, ice cream sandwiches are always a fan favorite and are sure to win over everyone. Ice cream sandwiches are incredibly easy and can be very versatile. You can keep it simple by using chocolate chip cookies and plain old vanilla ice cream, or you can spice it up by adding sprinkles and birthday cake ice cream or even throwing a couple of marshmallows and chocolate in the cookie dough and calling it a smores surprise.
Along the same lines as the ice cream sandwiches, popsicles are insanely easy to make and are also extremely versatile. You can freeze just about any liquid and enjoy it as a nice popsicle treat. You can create a chocolatey fudge popsicle with cocoa powder, milk, sugar and vanilla. Or if you are looking for something more fruity maybe try out these lava flow popsicles that consist of fresh pineapple and fresh strawberry puree with no added dyes or sugar. You can recreate just about anything and turn it into a nice and cold summer cool down treat.
Sweet Dips
Continuing on this sweet ride, dips are a huge success for any summer party. The first dip that we will talk about is chocolate hummus dip. This is a dip that includes chocolate, peanut butter, maple syrup and surprisingly chickpeas. This dip is a healthy dip that has a sweet twist to it. This is a super easy dip to make as well as a few items needed to make the dip. This dip can be served with just about anything, from graham crackers to nilla wafers, and even pretzels. The next dip is a smore’s dip. This is a fun spin on the common summer treat of smores. This is a good treat to bring when you want to be a tad bit neater and less messy. This smores dip is sure to be a big hit at any summer event any time of day. For this dip you will need chocolate and marshmallows, which you will put in a cast iron skillet. After baking these two together, you will use graham crackers as a chip for this dip. Thats all! This is a super easy treat with only 3 ingredients!
If you are in a time crunch this summer and need a sweet treat, hopefully you will come back to these three easy treats that are sure to be a hit at any event and occasion this summer. Pull out these three easy crowd stopping treats and be sure to get reinvited to everything this summer!!