High School and The Future: Senior Interviews

May 4, 2023
Senior year is a year filled with memories, excitement, and a little bit of stress about the future. All of us have worked so hard for the last four years and now it’s finally coming to a close in a few short weeks. We will say goodbye to our friends as we will go our separate ways. We will start our new beginnings soon and look back on all the memories we had in high school. In this article, some Horizon Seniors will look back on their high school journey and talk about their future.
What are your plans after high school?
Lizzy- “I’m going to study political science at Pepperdine University”
Miceala- “I will be attending Front Range Community College while working next year to figure out my career interests.”
Erika- “I will be taking a gap semester then attending Front Range Community College”
Rachel- “After high school I will be going to the University of Wyoming to double major in human physiology and kinesiology and minor in Spanish and honors.”
Kedzie- “I’m going to Utah State to major in elementary education while working to pay off my education.”
Emily- “After high school I will be going to CU Boulder where I will be majoring in Marketing and Cinema.”
Will you be continuing your hobbies in college or after highschool?
Lizzy- “I will be continuing my hobby of running cross country and track in college.”
Erika- “I will hopefully be continuing my hobbies after high school.”
Rachel- “I hope to play club sports in college.”
Kedzie- “Hopefully. I’m very crafty so I hope to continue that in college.”
Emily- “I hope to continue most of my hobbies in high school.”
What was your favorite memory of highschool?
Lizzy- “Laughing with my friends in the library.”
Micaela- “My favorite memory in highschool was prom last year because the whole experience of getting ready for it was just more enhanced than homecoming.”
Erika- “Probably journalism but specifically Junior year because Nick. Also Tech Theater was fun.”
Rachel- “My favorite memory of high school is running cross country with my best friends.”
Kedzie- “My favorite memory was English class during my senior year”
Emily- “My favorite memory was hanging out in the library with my friends.”
What’s the biggest challenge you faced in highschool?
Lizzy- “The biggest challenge I have faced is balancing school, clubs, and sports.”
Micaela- “My biggest challenge would be leading online in sophmore year and not being able to see any of my friends for an extended period of time.”
Erika- “Personal Finance was really bad.”
Rachel- “The biggest challenge I faced in high school was always being injured.”
Kedzie- “The biggest challenge was downplaying myself to feeling like I have no friends recently.”
Emily- “The biggest challenge I faced in highschool was balancing volleyball and AP classes last year.”
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Lizzy- “My favorite teacher was Mrs. Boyes because she is always very supportive and friendly.”
Micaela- “My favorite teacher was Mrs. Terada because she was extremely passionate about her job and the success of her students and was always open to feedback.”
Erika- “My favorite teacher was Ms. De Paz”
Rachel- “My favorite teacher was Mrs. Schafer because I spent a lot of time with her through Soar and she has always supported me.”
Kedzie- “I liked Mrs. Kavenny and Mr. Smyth as I liked the way of his teaching and it helped me get through math.”
Emily- “My favorite teacher was Ms. De Paz as she is very supportive and acts like a friend.”
How do you feel about graduating? What are you excited for?
Lizzy- “I am beyond excited to graduate. I am excited to make core memories with my friends at graduation.”
Micaela- “ I am very excited to graduate highschool and I am excited to start my own journey in life and choose my own paths.”
Erika- “I’m very nervous but also excited. They’re kind of intertwined.”
Rachel- “I am excited to graduate and move on to the next chapter of my life.”
Kedzie- “I’m ready to get my butt out of here. I’m excited to go to a different state and do something completely different.”
Emily- “I’m excited about graduating and also a little nervous. I’m most excited for the ceremony and my graduation party.”
Senior year is coming to a close in a few short weeks. Seniors will put on their caps and gowns and say goodbye to high school and hello to a new start. We’re excited to see where these seniors go and who they become. Congratulations, Class of 2023!!!