Should We Be Romanticizing Life?

January 3, 2023
Hi, my name is Norah Little and I am a 10th grader. My goal this year was to become the best I could possibly be. I was tired of just romanticizing life. I wanted to live it. So that’s what I did. I went to every game and never turned down anyone to hang out. What I didn’t know is that I would end up screwing up big time and would lose myself in the process. I spent my whole freshman year being a goodie two shoes and working my way up in the class rankings even on my basketball. My sophomore year was supposed to be packed full of education, hard work, and determination . Little did I know I would be working myself dry and only half way through the year. I spent my nights on social media wishing for a life I didn’t have. I made sure that I always went to every event around the school and created a name for myself. I worked on my basketball for at least 2 to even 4 hours after school. I volunteered around the school and my neighborhood for community service hours. The worst thing I could do do to my mental health is sign up for classes that would only add extra unneeded stress. But here me out, I took these classes because I could get closer to my dream as a freelance writer. The reason I push myself is so I could end up the furthest from what my parents are. The definition of my parents: normal suburban unhappy divorced parents that work 9-5 boring corporate jobs. I want to create a new life, a successful life. I want a life that I can be myself but that everyone wants.
This article will be a warning about romanticizing life but also what to do and what not to do. Take classes that you aren’t interested in, so you can build on things that you don’t quite know yet. Create as many high school memories as possible so you don´t regret missing out. Because it flies by and before you know it you are in college. But you also have to look at it from this perspective. High school affects so much so make sure you take your studies seriously. Be awkward but confident. Seriously no one cares if you think about it, people are too worried about themselves to actually care about who you are or even what you look like. Do weird stuff because you only live once. One of the most heartbreaking realistic things I have seen on TikTok is a bunch of old people say what they wished they did more in life. And some just said smile more and be kind. If you think about it people aren’t going to think about what you wore or if you had acne they will remember if you were kind and funny. Be close with your family; you only see them so long. I know most teens in life want almost nothing to do with your parents but you only have them for so much longer. For me I leave the house in two and a halfs years then I’m off to collage. Don’t spend your teenage years on Tik Tok looking for a life you want and following people with that life. Go take some action steps to your dream. Make it happen because no one else will do it for you. Life isn’t being handed over on a silver platter any more, it’s going to kick you on the but soon enough. So here’s the keys to your life take it by the balls and don’t look back.