Hoco Game (including Best in The Nest)

September 28, 2022
The night started at 5 p.m. on Friday night (9/23/2022). Everything was being set up for the tailgate Which was only 30 minutes away. Clubs like the German Honor Society, and DECA had a pie throwing contest and a cookout to raise money. There were also carnival-like games, treats, and even jumpy castles.
Soon the parking lot was full of people in bright yellow and orange construction worker costumes. The tailgate lasted up to an hour then soon students started lining up to get in the game early. Dean’s and staff members started letting kids into the game at 6:30 which was an hour until game time. The game was completely packed and soon the staff members opened up the grass which was extra room for the students and parents to sit. By half-time, we have yet to score any touchdowns. For the halftime show the band setup to play an amazing opening song then soon after all the Pom’s and Cheer teams started dancing to a remix. After all that the nominees were called out to the field. And the winners of each class were selected:
Freshman Class: Mitchael Gaccetta
Sophomore Class: Kaden Northup
Junior Class: Lucas Wilt
Senor Class: Johnny Serna
The winners were handed flowers with chocolates and a sash. After the winners were announced a huge fireworks show was put on to kick off the next half. Sadly the hawks lost 7-31. But it felt like a win to us HAWKS!