SOAR and Student Government Present: March Donation Drive

SOAR and Student Government Present: March Donation Drive

Lizzy Crawford

Student Government and SOAR are teaming up once again to raise items for those in need in the community. During the week of March 7-11, Horizon students have the opportunity to bring in hygiene items. These items will be collected in the main office and there are separate boxes for each grade level. The grade that brings in the most items will be able to win candy and the opportunity to submit song requests to be played in the hallways during the following week. The items that will be collected are listed below:


  • Body wash
  • Hand soap
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine products
  • Socks


Another donation drive will be held the following week from March 14-18. This drive will be accepting donations for school supplies and snacks. The same format will be used for the prize at the end of the week. School supplies that are requested consist of:


  • Notebooks
  • Pencils
  • Folders
  • Crackers
  • Granola bars
  • Fruit snacks
  • Apple sauce


Yes, we are asking out the Horizon community to give donations if possible, but it is all for a purpose that will extend far beyond each item. The purpose of these collected items is to create a resource closet here at Horizon. 


The resource closet is being organized by a SOAR group for their junior year community outreach project. They researched and found that 19.1% of Horizon students qualify for free and reduced lunch, this means that nearly 1 in 5 students are in need of financial assistance when possible. After discovering this, the SOAR group wanted to make Horizon a more comfortable place for students by offering simple necessities to all who are in need. This group gathered inspiration for the closet from other schools in the district that work with Food for Hope, as well as collecting donations from families of students to supply it with items. The closet will be in the counseling office and can be accessed by any student during school hours. Horizon asks that students get items from the resource closet only if they are in need; this ensures that we can help those who need it most and have enough supplies for them. 


All in all, these drives are a great opportunity to help out students here at Horizon. By extending Hawk love, the acts of kindness and generosity extend far beyond. The goal of these drives is to ultimately make the Thornton community a more community-oriented and compassionate place. Please spread the word and donate if you can!