Movie Summary: Marry Me (Spoilers)

Marry Me was released on Valentine's Day, it stars Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson

Marry Me was released on Valentine’s Day, it stars Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson

Emily Eigenbrode

Marry Me is an excellent 2022 American romantic comedy drama film directed by Kat Coiro, with a screenplay by John Rodgers, Tami Sagher, and Harper Dill. The movie is based on the graphic novel by Bobby Crosby, and it stars Jennifer Lopez as Kat Valdez, who is a pop star who decides to marry a stranger holding a marry me sign (Owen Wilson) after learning her on stage partner Bastian (Maluma) had been having an affair with her assistant. John Bradley, Sarah Silverman, and Chloe Coleman also star in the movie. 

After Parker Debbs (Sarah Silverman) breaks up with her girlfriend in the movie she offers Charlie (Owen Wilson) and his daughter to go to the marry me concert. After they decide to go, she gives her “marry me” sign to Owen Wilson since she wants to record a video to send to her ex girlfriend showing how much fun she’s having without her. At this concert, Bastian and Kat Valdex are going to get married in front of the world with an expected 20 million viewers. The concert is being broadcasted all throughout the world and has been breaking headlines. Kat first sings the song “Church” as she is getting ready to marry Bastian. However when Bastian takes the stage and she leaves to go to get dressed she finds out from her manager that he has been cheating on her with her assistant in a makeout video dropped by several new sites. She is then hoisted up onto the stage where she tells the band to “cut the music” and she goes on in a lengthy speech about love. It’s here when she decides to take a leap of faith and marry a stranger. 

She then invites the math teacher and single dad on stage, and he accepts the invitation, not because he wants any romantic involvement with her, but because he doesn’t want to add to her humiliation with a rejection. 

Kat and her team promise to make a contribution to Charlie’s school if he goes along with the marriage for a few months and do some public appearances. During the time they are doing their public outings they go bowling, red carpet events, and she even shows up for him at the math club where she teaches kids dance moves and a lesson about resilience. He also tells Kat that she shouldn’t have to feel like she needs to have all the makeup and hair extensions to make her feel beautiful because she already is. 

After she gets increasingly close to Charlie, Bastian decides to come to the school where she and Charlie are practicing math with the kids, and he announces that they are up for a grammy nomination and should perform together. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for her as she hasn’t been nominated for anything as she expressed earlier in the movie. Charlie and Kat get in a little bit of an argument but Charlie still decides to support her. 

While at the Grammys, he watched her performance from his house and then decided to go after realizing his love for her. He then is able to make it to the after party where they talk for a little bit but still seem to not fully make up. 

After Kat and Bastian finish the performance they go on a press run and are on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, this is where she eventually stops the show and realizes she’s meant to be with Charlie. She flies to Peoria, Illinois where the big math competition is being held. And she sees Charlie implementing her dance technique when his daughter forgot how to do a math problem due to her stage fright right as she walks into the auditorium. Even though his daughter did not finish the problem on time he was still proud of her for getting the problem right. 

Kat then walks down the auditorium, where she holds up a sign saying, “Marry Me,” which leads the story in a full circle but this time with her holding the sign. 

Overall I thought the movie was really cute. It was definitely a stereotypical romance movie as it followed the typical romance movie outline. But It was really good and if you like romance movies then I would definitely give this one a try.