Omicron V.S Delta

January 18, 2022
Delta is an aggressive variant of Covid-19 that emerged in late 2020 and quickly became the most common variant in India. It continued spreading around the world and its currency the dominant of the coronavirus variants. However another variant titled Omicron carries about 50 mutations not seen in combination before. Including more than 30 mutations on the spike protein that the coronavirus uses to attach to human cells. Both Delta 19 and Omicron variants of Covid are seemingly the biggest variants in covid history. Although they are both the same virus they both come with different symptoms as well as having different transmissible levels. Let’s take a look at the similarity and differences of these mutations.
The Symptoms
People who have been reported to have the Delta variant of covid, have reported to have different symptoms than the original coronavirus strain. Cough, loss of smell, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are less common with the Delta variant, although they are still being found but in smaller numbers. The most common symptoms of the Delta variant include sore throat, runny nose, headache and fever. If you are vaccinated then you are more likely to have mild symptoms, however, you can spread it to someone who is not vaccinated in which their symptoms can be seen on the heavier side. The Omicron variant may represent close to about 95% of all new Covid-19 cases in the United States. Dr. Carole Freiberger who is a physician at Saint Luke’s Critical Care states that fully vaccinated Covid-19 patients have had symptoms similar to the common cold or had no symptoms at all. The most common Omicron variant symptoms include runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, fatigue, and headaches.
The Omicron variant appears to be more transmissible compared to earlier Covid-19 strains and variants, which changes the way that fully vaccinated people have to deal with the virus. Further research has been suggested that the Omicron variant has the ability to override the Covid-19 vaccines. This basically means that no matter what Covid vaccine you have or how many boosters you may have, you are still at risk to get the Omicron variant. The Omicron variant has managed to break records for daily positive cases in the U.S due to its high transmissibility, which is seen as higher than other strains. Omicron is far better at circumventing the current vaccines than the Delta variant according to recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Statistics Denmark, and Statens Serum Institut (SSI). According to this study, Omicron was found to be 2.7 to 3.7 times as infectious as the Delta variant among vaccinated people. Although Omicron is seen to have a higher transmissibility rate, health experts say that Omicron is causing less severe cases or even cases that lead to hospitalization, although cases are spreading rapidly with this strain.
We can see that both of these mutations of Coronavirus, although similar, have a variety of differences throughout the symptoms, and transmission capabilities. There is no better variant to get out of these two mutations. They both present symptoms that can cause harmfulness to your health while you have it as well as after the fact that the virus has left your body.