Theater Hawks – Horizon High School Drama Department Info & Updates

September 7, 2021
On August 26th, 2021, Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Morse (HHS theater teachers) hosted the annual Theater Department “Ice Cream Social” to give information about the upcoming theater productions and events. The event was attended by freshmen through seniors with varying levels of interest in the department itself.
Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Morse began the presentation with talk about the 2021-22 season which included, the fall play Noises Off, the Thescon event, the spring musical Anastasia, and the spring play.
Noises Off is the first show of the 21-22 season. Noises Off is a comedy sex farce, play within a play situation, that goes through the life and drama of different actors and crew members. Auditions were held for the show August 30th and the cast list was released shortly thereafter. The show will be performed on October 21st-23rd. Check the Theater Department website or Facebook for more information when tickets are available.
For those interested, the Noises Off cast is as follows:
Dotty Otley – Devin Page (12)
Lloyd Dallas – Tony Anaya (12)
Garry LeJeune – Noah Watson (11)
Brook Ashton – Ashtynn Rethinger (12)
Poppy Norton – Taylor Alayna Weber (9)
Frederick Fellowes – Garrett Auld (12)
Belinda Blair – Madison Fillerup (11)
Tim Allgood – Ethan LaFave (9)
Seldon Mowbray – Jack Lawrence (10)
Thescon happens soon after the Noises Off, occurring through December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. For those who don’t know, Thescon, in the simplest terms possible, is Comic-Con but for theater enthusiasts. Students go to Thescon to join in expos that include dance, acting, tech and even just classes to improve on skills as an actor or crew member. A popular event that many people take advantage of are the “Individual Events” also known as IEs. An IE is a performance done as an individual, duo, or group. The person(s) can choose to either perform a song, monologue/dialect or a technical production. Although expensive, (about $205), the three day experience is greatly recommended for any of those interested in the arts.
Furthermore, December 6th, 2021 and December 8th or December 10th are auditions for the highly anticipated spring musical Anastasia. The auditions themselves will contain a music audition, where the performer is required to sing a song (specified in auditions) for Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Wallis, and Mr. Goodmanson. On top of that, there will also be a dance audition for the show. Rehearsal will start immediately following winter break, and the shows will be February 24th-25th and March 4th-5th.
Finally, the spring plays are student directed one acts. There was little information given about these, as it is not until spring. The only information that was provided was that rehearsals will start March 7th and the production will be April 13th-15th.
If you see a friend, please congratulate them and support them by coming to see the shows in October! All support is greatly appreciated and with an amazing cast for Noises Off, the show itself is going to be amazing. Even if you didn’t attend the ice cream social, there are many opportunities to be a part of theater. Horizon High School has one of, if not the best, theater programs in the district. It is highly recommended to all students to try and attend at least one production as cast and crew members alike work extremely hard to put on entertaining and well-produced performances.