Horizon Takes a Trip to Hawaii

2019 Homecoming Recap

Kiley Haberstroh

Alyssa Haberstroh (’23), Hannah (’23), Morgan O’Day (’23), Trystan (’23), Aubrey Trabue (’23)

Kiley Haberstroh

One of the top memories from  high school is always the homecoming dance. Dancing with friends is a great way to enjoy time with your friends and get involved with the school. Homecoming is very exciting for all classes and brings them all together so they can all enjoy the evening. It’s an excellent opportunity to interact with fellow students and faculty members. And if students want to invite other friends from different schools, they are allowed to, and  then they can dance with every one of their friends. 

The 2019-2020 school  year’s homecoming theme was Horizon Takes a Trip to Hawaii. Saturday October 19th was the homecoming dance. The dance cost 20 dollars and it lasted 7 PM to 11 PM. Students were able to dance, eat, take photos, and even get a caricature drawing of themselves and their friends.

Before going to homecoming, most students got together to get ready with each other and take a ton of pictures. 

Sophia O’Dell (‘21) says, “My favorite part about homecoming is probably getting all dolled up. Every year I get ready with my friends and it is so much fun to take photos in our amazing dresses.”

Sophia is now a junior has gone all her three years she has been at Horizon. She says she doesn’t regret going at all. 

“Dancing with my friends is really fun, especially when we all know the song that’s playing.” 

Freshman, Alyssa Haberstroh, attended her first-ever homecoming. When asked what she thought of it, she answered with, “Homecoming was actually a lot of fun. I had a blast with my friends and I will definitely keep the memories with me.”

During homecoming, a bunch of dance circles appeared on the dance floor throughout the night. Many people would  dance-off or dance with each other in the circle. Speakers were located throughout the gymnasium so everyone could hear the music.

Homecoming is a great time and it’s important to go because this is the time where you make the most memories and just have fun! 

Overall this homecoming was a great success and a lot of Horizon students enjoyed it.